Prof. Fangli Qiao and Dr. Yajuan Song Gave Lectures During 11th Training Course

Date: 2022-08-22 09:14 Author: admin Clicks:

In the morning, Dr. Xunqiang Yin, Deputy Director of UNESCO/IOC-RTRC-ODC center, gave a brief introduction to the ODC training course.

Prof.Qiao introduced New Generation of Earth System Model(ESM) for Climate Prediction. First, he talked about the difference between ESM and Climate Model; then he discussed how to distinguish prediction,forecast and projection, what are climate change and climate variability. Climate model is the base for climate projection. Finally,he introduced FIO-ESM V1.0 and V2.0 and the improvements between them.

Prof. Fangli Qiao

In the afternoon session, Prof. Song presented what climate change and climate variability were, and she also talked about decadal climate prediction system FIO-CPS V1.0 and V2.0. 


Prof. Yajuan Song

Doing Practice